Call For Entries for Juried Photography Show
Tappahannock Artists Guild Issues Call for Entries for Juried Photography Show -Former Washington Post Photographer, John McDonnell, to Serve as Judge

The Tappahannock Artists Guild (TAG) is pleased to announce a Call for Entries for their Juried Photography Show with the theme of Our Places and People. Residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia, aged 18 and older, are invited to submit photographs that reveal a place, person, or emotion that is special to the artist or the viewer, was taken in Virginia, and that speaks to the theme.
“TAG is a small, guild-member run art gallery located in bucolic Essex County, VA, along the shore of the Rappahannock River,” states TAG’s Executive Director, Paige Conner Totaro. “Our mission is to create a community for artists and art for our community. We’ve been in operation since 2012, and have made a name for ourselves regionally, particularly in the area of Plein Air Events.”
The gallery has suffered some setbacks in recent years, with the impacts of COVID starting in 2020, and a devastating fire on Prince Street (where the gallery is located) that destroyed a large number of the buildings in Historic Downtown Tappahannock in 2022; followed shortly after by an interior flood caused by a burst pipe in an upstairs unit forcing the gallery to close for 6 months while repairs and renovations were completed.
“Originally slated to be a local community show, we made the decision to open the call to the entire Commonwealth of Virginia when John agreed to judge the show,” Totaro explains. “To have a judge of his quality, renown, and career accomplishments is a crown jewel for our small gallery, and we felt compelled
to offer this opportunity to a wider artistic community.”
The show is scheduled to open on June 28, 2024 and entries are due for judging no later than June 12th. Complete details about the rules and specifications for entry are located at this link You can register and submit entries there as well.